Sunday, August 22, 2010
End of Summer Vacation
Thank you Tyler and Ryan for filling my summer days with lots of love, laughter, and joy. I am a very lucky mommy. I hope I made your summer as fun as you made mine!!!
On the farm
Tyler loves going to Nebraska because he gets to ride in a tractor. My uncle Steve took over my grandfather's farm. Every year Uncle Steve gives Tyler a tractor ride. One year we went during harvest time and Tyler got to ride in the Combine and help harvest the soy beans.
Before we left he said, "mommy who is the best farmer we know?"
Me: "who?"
Tyler, "Uncle Steve!!!"
I have to agree.
It is pretty neat for me to go back to a place (the farm, where I came to as a kid, played in the hay loft in the barn, rode on a tractor with my grandfather, played in the corn fields) and watch my children do the same thing 25 years later. Even neater to think that 50 years ago my father was doing the same thing here.
School Clothes Shopping
For some reason Tyler's favorite place to shop is JC Penny's. So that was our first stop. But unfortunately it was a bust.....not very many short sleeve shirts and tees. They were already stocking up on long sleeve things. We won't need those for quite some time. But we made it out with new sneakers and a couple of "cool" tees for both of them.
Next stop Target. We hit the jackpot here. Tyler found lots of "cool" clothes. He is into graphic tees now. He didn't want any "handsome" shirts (collared shirts and button downs). But I convinced him to get a few anyway.
The best part about our shopping experience was Tyler trying on his clothes. He usually never likes to try on clothes, but for some reason he finds it fun when it's time to get back to school clothes. So much so, he went to the dressing room all by himself because he told me he wanted to put on a fashion show for us. He would walk out of the room with a new shirt on and pose!!!! It was so cute. A women walking by noticed and said "oh my aren't you the cutest thing!!!!"
On the way out of the store, he noticed a couple of manikins on a stand and jumped right up there and posed with them....and had me take his picture. Needless to say, this caused more Ouhs and Auhs from women passing by. I really don't know where he gets this from. Then of course Ryan jumped right up there too to pose was so cute!!!
After clothes shopping we headed to lunch at their favorite place they like to call "the soup place". It's really called Shogun, a Japanese restaurant. They serve an onion soup that the boys both love. As I sat across from them watching them eat with their chopsticks, I thought to myself...this was a perfect day!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Smart Water...

Smart Water
The kids saw “Smart Water” the other day at the grocery store. They asked me to buy a bottle so they could try it, to see if it would make them smarter.
As soon as we got home they asked me for a glass of the “Smart Water”.
Tyler gulped down his entire glass….Ryan had to smell his first…then drank it all up.
As soon as Ryan finished his he said, “Am I smarter yet? Ask me a question.”
I responded by asking him what number comes after 10.
He replied, “11. See I am smarter! If I drink this every day...I will be really smart!!"
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Craft Day...
Craft Day….
While checking out at the grocery store the other day I picked up the latest edition of the Martha Stewart Magazine. They happened to have a craft idea for an octopus made out of yarn. It brought back memories…I used to have one of these as a kid. It looked like something the boys and I could make one day.
Then the young checker happened to be wearing a neat bracelet made out of bandannas (looked like something he probably made at camp). He told me how he made it….another great craft idea.
I got another idea for a craft while shopping in Hobby Lobby the other day. As we were strolling the fabric section on Hobby Lobby….I saw a fleece blanket on display and thought….that looks easy too…I can make the boys a fleece pillow.
So yesterday the boys asked me what are plans were for the day (every day the boys will ask me what the plans are for the day…even if it’s just hanging out in PJs all day, they like to know).
I decided it would be craft day. It had been a while since we have had one. So craft day started with a trip to one on my favorite stores….Hobby Lobby.
Craft Supply Shopping List
- 3 balls of yarn
- 1 package of google eyes
- 3 yards of fleece fabric
- 6 different colored bandannas
Purchases in hand and pit stop at Whataburger for lunch…it was time to head home for some craft making!!!
By the end of the day….the boys each had their new handmade goodies:
One big fat green yarn octopus for Ryan
One medium size blue octopus for
Braided Bandanna bracelet (I made one for me too)
One cute rubber ducky fleece pillow for Ryan
One cute puppy print fleece pillow for
And oh ya…..each one got a small fleece blanket made out of their left over pillow fabric.
I’d say this turned out to be a really great craft day!
(pictures to come… still on fritz….can’t upload photos at this time)….you’ll just have to take my word their new things are really cute!!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
All day.....
My computer has been on the fritz since a thunder storm last week. I missed it a lot a first, had to get used to not checking emails...that was the hardest. But what I did miss was this blog. I love writing about our summer adventures. I realized that by keeping this "journal" I have been paying more attention to the every day things, it seems that the simplest things become a story.
Here's an example:
Jon has been hard at work trying to meet a deadline for an important job. Because of this he hasn't come in for breakfast like he usually does. Even though he works from home, we don't seem him these days till lunch.
So the other day, the boys and I had breakfast as usual, ran a few errands, and came home for lunch. Jon came in and he gave us all hugs (like he always does). For some reason when it was my turn for a hug, he asked me why I looked sad. I didn't realize I did....I wasn't sad at all, if anything I was happy. Maybe I just didn't have my usual smile on. If you know me, I smile a lot.
Anyway Tyler heard this and said, " She's sad because she hasn't seen you ALL day!"
( This made me laugh for 2 reasons. One: it was only noon (that's All day) and Two: only Tyler would think of that!)
Note on Picture above: Just a sweet picture of Tyler on his 7th birthday....totally unrelated to this story.