Sunday was Mother's Day. I love Mother's Day, well the truth is, I LOVE all holidays and celebrate them all with gusto!!!! My favorite thing about Mother's Day are the home made (or should I say "school made") gifts I get each year.
Ryan came home with a plaque made from the mold of his hands and a beautiful card made from his finger prints. Tyler came home with 2 great cards each one naming reasons why he loves me.
But one Mother's Day tradition that I love, breakfast in bed, was put off this year due to a change of plans. This year my mom and Tony were leaving on a cruise from Galveston. So instead of a relaxing morning in bed, the plans were to go to early mass (which meant a quick breakfast), and then drive down to Galveston to eat lunch, drop off the grandparents at the ship, take the boys for a walk on the beach to look for sea glass and sea shells, and then head home.
Well all went as planned till we got to the beach. With sand buckets in hand we walked upon a seaweed invested beach. There were no seashells to be found. It was pretty gross. We did make the best of it and took a little walk anyway. Promising that we would be back again this summer and have another chance to play on the beach and look for shells, we left.
On the way out of town we stopped at a gas station for water, snacks, and Gatorade. Daddy came out with a bag of treats in hand AND a little pink rose wrapped in plastic. He handed me the flower and said Happy Mother's Day. I thought this was sweet. My husband is a romantic and often surprises me with flowers (I love them, even if sometimes they are from a gas station or a road side vendor). But this time I busted out laughing when he handed it to me. Not only was it a "gas station rose" but it was a "fake" gas station rose with a very tiny dirty toy bear hot glued to the stem. It even had a scratch and sniff sticker attached to it. Tyler asked to see the flower and said, "daddy it's fake!!!! and dirty!!!). Bless Jon's heart, he had no idea it was a fake rose. He said he was paying for the goodies when he noticed a bucket of roses. At the last minute he saw one pink rose among the others (pink is my favorite) he grabbed , handed a couple of bucks to the cashier and left. Not realizing it was fake. We all laughed sooooo hard. Oh he felt so bad. But it's the thought that counts and we got a really good laugh at it....and the boys learned a very valuable lesson, never buy your wife a fake rose at a gas station on Mother's Day.