My handwriting….not so good I guess.
Tyler just told me the funniest thing and I thought it was worth another post…
I am helping him with “summer home work”…to keep his mind fresh on everything he learned this past year. Anyway as part of his writing activity he is writing a thank you note for one of our neighbors. I wrote a couple of lines to help him out and he had to copy them in his own handwriting. After several questions of…”mommy what does this say”…he told me….”Mommy good thing you draw much better than you write…you have the worst handwriting…you need to go back to kindergarten.”
Mom, if you’re reading this I remember telling you the same thing about your handwriting…guess it must run in the family.
I guess my handwriting does look a 7 year olds....bubbly and least I didn't dot my I's with little hearts....
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