Yes, I am one of those moms that must do my sons hair before we go anywhere....they NEVER leave our house without gel in their hair. I feel kind of bad for the kids that show up to school that look like they just rolled out of sticking up everywhere??? Who sends their kids to school like that? Anyway my boys know the routine....breakfast, dress, brush teeth (on their own), and then I do their hair. The other day they decided that they wanted to do each others I let them. Made for some good pics and they didn't do that bad a job!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Yes, I am one of those moms that must do my sons hair before we go anywhere....they NEVER leave our house without gel in their hair. I feel kind of bad for the kids that show up to school that look like they just rolled out of sticking up everywhere??? Who sends their kids to school like that? Anyway my boys know the routine....breakfast, dress, brush teeth (on their own), and then I do their hair. The other day they decided that they wanted to do each others I let them. Made for some good pics and they didn't do that bad a job!!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning
Upstairs is our play room. And in the play room we have a little nook that it probably one of my favorite spots in the whole house…it holds my desk, craft supplies, and 2 little nooks that each boy has claimed as their “pet store”. The pet store is filled with all their stuffed animals. My children are in no short supply of stuffed animals….they have tons.
I thought today was a good day to go through Ryan’s pet store. Together he and I went through each one of his “pets” and we made two piles….one to keep and the other to donate. He didn’t hesitate at all….he would say “keep” or “donate” and we watched his donate pile grow and grow. We put the keepers back in his pet store. When we were done and putting the donated ones in a bag to take to Goodwill, he said, “mommy tonight some child will have a new pet and be so happy!” Yes, they will I said. And looked at him and smiled as he helped me put the rest in the bag. Needless to say, I was very proud of him!!!
Now Tyler…. his clean out wasn’t as successful. He cleaned out his pet store yesterday. Can you guess which pile is Ryan’s and which one is Tyler’s? I have to say he is more like his father when it comes to cleaning out and giving away. It’s hard for him to let things go. But that’s ok…at least he gave up a couple. And if you picked out any pet in his pet store, I know he could tell you exactly where it came from and the story behind it.
I encourage all to take a look around your house…are there things that you haven’t used in a while, may never use again, or simply do not need anymore? Then grab a trash bag and give it to someone who would love it or to someone less fortunate than you.
Happy Spring Cleaning!!!!