Morning Time ….
If you ask my boys or my husband what my favorite part of the day is they will all tell you…morning time.
This morning began as any other morning....the boys woke up and ran right into our room….hopped in bed with me (daddy is already at work…he’s up before the sun) and snuggled up to watch cartoons. Then it’s breakfast time. After breakfast the boys go play while I do dishes, start a load of laundry, and make up the beds.
This morning Tyler surprised me with a Scavenger Hunt. While I was making beds I saw him going in and out of every room. After a while he hands me a note and told me it was my first clue.
I used to make Scavenger Hunts for him all the time when he was learning to read. I would leave notes all over the house and he had to read them all by himself to find the treasure at the end. The treasures would usually be a new box of crayons, a new book, or stickers.
Let me say, when he handed me the note I was thrilled that he did this all on his own.
Second I was so proud of him (what a great lesson in writing and he didn’t even realize that he was doing a writing lesson).
And Third I couldn’t wait to see what my treasure was at the end.
He made me 10 clues. The last clue lead me to our upstairs bathroom and this is what I found: A note that said “We love you”, a picture Ryan drew, and 3 clay creations Tyler had made.
Oh…be still my heart ….I love these kids!! If you are wondering why I love the mornings…it’s because of things like this and great kids to wake up to every day!!!!!
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