It seems like every year we get ready for our annual week in Galveston there is a hurricane forming in the gulf. For the past two years our trip has been cut short due to a storm. This year a little storm named Alex decided to develop a couple of days before our trip. We still headed down there and only had clouds and rain for one day….thanks Alex…..it could have been worse. He did leave us with some yucky seaweed covered beaches.
Wouldn’t you know our resort's tractor (that cleans the beaches) was broken. The seaweed was so bad you could barely make it down to the water…..so leave it to this mommy to take care of the seaweed problem herself. I called the front desk to ask for a rake…I was (well…Jon was) going to rake a clean spot for us to set up on the beach. Well..no luck they said they didn’t have one. Ok….I couldn’t stop there. I had to clean the sea weed some how…..and I didn’t want to go buy one. We drove down to the maintenance dept of the resort and I asked to borrow a rake….I knew they had to have one…and they did. A couple of bucks for a tip and a big thank you and we were on our way. You might think….gee couldn’t you have just dealt with the seaweed? Sure, but I wanted to make a great spot for my boys to play in the sand and not have to worry about the yucky seaweed…..and it was worth it. We had the best spot on the beach!
The island is just ocvered with it right now. Thanks for the idea. I'm taking a rake and leaving it in the shed next time we are there!